EMU courier

by Express Mail Universal

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Features EMU courier

"EMU courier" is a courier service for urgent delivery in Tashkent every day.
A courier registered with the service and having free time takes a free order and delivers it for the specified payment.Car is not required.Work as a "Walking" courier - delivery of small items, packages or letters, food, cafes, restaurants weighing no more than 15 kg.Work "Auto" as a courier (auto required) - the weight of the parcel is not more than 30 kg.Work as a "Cargo" courier (auto required) - the weight of the parcel is not more than 1500 kg.Any capable citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan over 18 years old can become a courier.You need to go through a simple identification process when registering in the application and communicating with a support employee.After successful registration with the Courier in our application, you will be able to take orders and start working.To work as a "Walking" courier, purchase a bag or backpack.Take your passport or drivers license with you - some offices may not allow a courier without documents.
Instructions:Follow a series of simple steps:- If the order is convenient for you, click the "Accept order" button.- After receiving the order, you will see the clients phone number on your screen, by calling which you can say that you have arrived at the specified address.- Then you should carefully examine the parcel before picking it up, put your signature on the clients phone, receive the parcel and deliver it to the specified address.- Before arriving at the indicated address, inform the Recipient by phone about the time of arrival.
After handing over the parcel, ask the Recipient to put a personal signature on his phone and receive the necessary amount of money for the execution of the order.Still have questions?
Contact us!Our e-mail: [email protected]: https://emudostavka.uzhttps://t.me/emu_supporthttps://www.facebook.com/emucargohttps://www.instagram.com/emu_tashkent/"EMU courier" - bu Toshkent shahrida tez yetkazib berish uchun kuryerlik xizmati.
Xizmatda royxatdan otgan va bosh vaqtga ega bolgan kuryer buyurtmani qabul qilib, korsatilgan manzilga etkazib beradi.Avtomobil talab qilinmaydi."Piyoda" kuryer sifatida ishlash-vazni 15 kg dan oshmaydigan-dokonlar, kafelar, restoranlardan vazni unchali katta bolmagan narsalar, xujjatlar, xatlar, oziq-ovqat etkazib berish."Avto" kuryer sifatida ishlash, (avtomibil talab qilinadi) - yetkazib beriladigan buyumlar va boshqa narsalarning vazni 30 kg dan oshmasligi kerak."Yuk tashuvchi" kuryer sifatida ishlash (Yuk tashuvchi avtomobil talab qilinadi) - yukning vazni 1500 kg dan oshmasligi kerak.18 yoshga tolgan Ozbekiston Respublikasining har qanday fuqarosi kuryerlik bilan shugullanishi mumkin.Royxatdan otishingiz va yordamchi xodim bilan muloqot qilishda siz identifikatsiyalash jarayonidan otishingiz kerak.Bizning ilovada royxatdan otgandan song, siz buyurtmalarni qabul qilishingiz va ishlashigiz mumkin."Piyoda" kuryer sifatida ishlash uchun sumka yoki ryukzak bolishi kerak.Passport yoki haydovchilik guvohnomasini ozingiz bilan olib yuring, bazi joylarda kuryerdan hujjat talab qilinishi mumkin.Korsatmalar:Bir qator harakatlarni bajaring:- Agar buyurtma sizga qulay bolsa, "Buyurtmani qabul qilish" tugmasini bosing.- Buyurtmani olganingizdan song, siz ekranda mijozning telefon raqamini korasiz, unga qongiroq qilib, korsatilgan manzilga kelganingizni aytasiz.- Keyin siz junatmani olishdan oldin uni sinchiklab tekshirib korishingiz, mijozning telefoniga imzo qoyishingiz va junatmani qabul qilib korsatilgan manzilga etkazishingiz kerak.- Belgilangan manzilga kelishdan oldin, Qabul qiluvchiga telefon orqali kelish vaqti haqida xabar bering.
Buyurtmani topshirgandan song, Qabul qiluvchidan telefoningizga shaxsiy imzosini qoyishni va buyurtmada korsatilgan pul miqdorini sorang.Agar savollar tugilsa - biz bilan boglaning!Bizning e-mail: [email protected]: https://emudostavka.uzhttps://t.me/emu_supporthttps://www.facebook.com/emucargohttps://www.instagram.com/emu_tashkent/

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See the EMU courier in Action

EMU courier Screen 1
EMU courier Screen 2
EMU courier Screen 3
EMU courier Screen 4

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